Creating a life of fulfillment and purpose with targeted, action-oriented therapy.

Acceptance & Commitment therapy for adults in New York & New Jersey

Feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands?

You may often find yourself juggling career pressures, personal relationships, your own well-being, and feeling like something vital is missing. Anxiety about the future, strained relationships, or harsh self-criticism can leave you feeling depleted and disconnected.

These struggles don’t just affect one area of your life- they can undermine your work performance, intensify relationship conflicts, and erode your self-esteem. This ongoing internal battle can prevent you from enjoying the present.

New York City Acceptance and Commitment Therapy NYC Therapist Rob Handelman
Workplace Burnout Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Rob Handelman Therapist
Family Man Mens Therapy NYC Man Montclair NJ Middle Aged Men
Middle Aged Man Mens Therapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Rob Handelman

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy teaches you strategies to accept your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and connect with your core values.

Unlike many traditional psychotherapies that primarily focus on analyzing the reasons behind emotions or attempting to directly alter thoughts and feelings, ACT creates a powerful shift in how we relate to our inner experiences. We learn to make room for the things that come with the inevitable ups and downs of life.

The core goal of ACT is to enhance your psychological flexibility. This means developing the ability to respond adaptively to situations as they arise, rather than being driven by past regrets or future worries or, simply being on autopilot. Psychological flexibility helps you make choices based on your long-term values instead of short-term impulses, significantly impacting how you handle anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges.

With ACT, the shift towards what truly matters goes beyond managing distress...

It's about enriching your life in every aspect. You will feel increasingly connected to your values, which guide your decisions and actions every day. This alignment can bring a profound sense of purpose and direction, making daily challenges more manageable and less overwhelming.

You will gain necessary skills in mental and emotional resilience, allowing you to meet life's ups and downs with a steadier heart and a clearer mind.

Gradually, as you apply these skills, your life begins to change: relationships deepen, career paths clarify, and personal growth accelerates. You’re able to make choices, instead of being controlled by reactivity.


What can I expect from an ACT session? In ACT sessions, you can expect to engage in exercises that increase mindfulness, clarify your values, and develop practical skills to handle difficult thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations more effectively.

How long does it typically take to see results with ACT? While individual experiences vary, many clients begin to notice a shift in how they relate to their thoughts and feelings within a few sessions. Lasting change typically evolves as you apply new skills over time.

Is ACT suitable for everyone? ACT is versatile and can be adapted to a wide range of people and problems. It is most effective for those who are open to exploring mindfulness and who are looking for ways to actively create a meaningful life.

ACT helps you live a fuller, more satisfying life, rooted in what matters most to you, equipped to pursue long-term goals with courage and flexibility.